20 marzo 2019
FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL, Volume 297, April 2019, Pages 148-155
Luca Massaro autore con S Visentin, G Viel, G Cecchetto e M Montisci
02 maggio 2018
Luca Massaro MD, Prof. Matteo Borrini PhD
Medico-legal and criminological suicide diagnosis on historical cases: testing a new methodology
11 gennaio 2018
Death Scene Investigation: Limitations and Potentials of a Logical Investigative Process
13 marzo 2015
ORLANDO (FL) February 16-21 2015
"Medicolegal and Criminological Suicide Diagnosis in Historical Cases: a new methodology"
13 marzo 2015
ORLANDO (FL) February 16-21 2015
The Acute Stress Response to Threats and Physical and/or Verbal Aggressions: The Influence of Epigenetics on Defensive Strategies of Human Behavior
28 marzo 2013
"Le persone scomparse in Italia: le radici del fenomeno"- Padova, palazzo Moroni, 3.2.12 (1^ parte)